Do him and yourself a favor. Get some good protein powder (not one with "antioxidants" as I am sure there are some out there - antioxidants work against radiation). Just a straight up protein powder natural flavored since it's going down a tube and add it to his liquid nutrition. Make sure it is well mixed with NO lumps. It may make the formula a bit thicker just add some water to thin it out a bit. This will add more protein for healing and more calories. If you do this to each of his "Meals" then it should slow his weight loss. (choose a protein powder that has maximum calories and protein for minimum amount added. Some of them say 22 gms of protein etc... but if you read carefully it requires you to add two scoops. The one I use has I think 25 gms in one scoop. This will help with the lumpiness and thickness.

For his mouth there should be magic mouthwash prescribed to help with the pain if he is trying to drink or swallow (he should still try to do this as the swallowing reflex could be lost if he doesn't continue to use these muscles). Some formulas are drinkable this will allow a short term relief from the pain. This is only if he is drinking or eating something or having a moment of extreme pain as you can't use it all the time (this mouthwash is a topical medication with a short life span and will numb the area short term). Other pain meds can be asked for and prescribed for long term systemic relief of pain. Do not allow him to be in pain ask him to push his dr. for more medication as what he has isn't helping. Pain is a natural enemy to healing as it puts stress on an already stressed body. (this goes for lack of proper nutrition.)

Finally to help with hydration most hospitals suggest a baking soda, salt and water mixture to swish and spit. My hospital also recommended FLATTENED club soda (the fizz burns like a bugger!!) this is the same formula as the other but this you can drink, so it gives you hydration, and healing and since you can swallow it it helps your throat.

best of luck in these last few weeks.

PS it is worse the first few weeks after radiation finishes. as radiation is cumulative... sucks but forewarned is forearmed.

take care.

Cheryl : Irritation - 2004 BX: 6/2008 : Inflam. BX: 12/10, DX: 12/10 : SCC - LS tongue well dif. T2N1M0. 2/11 hemigloss + recon. : PND - 40 nodes - 39 clear. 3/11 - 5/11 IMRT 33 + cis x2, PEG 3/28/11 - 5/19/11 3 head, 2 chest scans - clear(fingers crossed) HPV-, No smoke, drink, or drugs, Vegan