Yep, my hubby is in the middle of this 'adventure' too. I'm new to this forum, so probably don't have the right edequite(sorry).
My best advice is to get a high-powered blender.. not sure if I can mention the brand name or not, but it was manufactured in the US.
He downed as many protein, veggie drinks as possible to gear up for the surgery. Then the first few days at home, he just wanted ice.. comes out a bit like a snowcone.
Now he is back to protein drinks.. I sneak in a few items like olive oil, flaxseeds, grapes, kale and spinach. Every night I'm searching the web for more nutritious foods to add.

God Bless

Joanna - caregiver (spouse) Init bio 11/12, gloss/neck dis 12/12, rad/cisplatin - 6 wks 2/13

"The most important thing is to keep the most important thing, the most important thing."