Well, I made an agreement with the "powers to be in the Universe" that my "weight issue" was all I can handle in this life time. Apparently, I was the only one in this agreement. I think I was taking "keeping a room for my children" too literally since once pregnant remained looking pregnant and my children are grown (22 & 18). So, I ask this"power to be in the Universe," what will it take to finally loose weight and the answer I got was.... Oral Cancer. Personally, I was looking for winning lotto numbers so I could hire a personal trainer. 2006 white thrush appears on right lateral side of tongue. Rough tooth was the culprit. Thrush not going away and moving down towards front of tongue. 2008 lost job that provided insurance. 2008 biopsy=Leukoplakia. 2012 more appearing on tongue, thinking it could be candita, I get herbs and the herbalist says "it could get worse before it gets better". Next thing I know, tongue sometimes hurts when eating. Nov. 2012 biopsy = precancerous, 2 weeks later double biopsy (all Leukoplakia removed from right lateral side of tongue)= SCC. I can't decide which is more disturbing, not having insurance or the fact that I have plenty of boobs but I get it on my tongue. UCLA medical clinic is pushing me through. Tomorrow CT scan, Next day PET scan, Results day 1/11 ( asked kids to come with me-not sure if good idea) and they already have a surgery date 1/18/13. Not sure when to expect the winning lotto numbers but I am hoping it is part of this schedule. Never smoked in my life, once turned 45 started craving red wine (I never liked it before) and have a glass every blue moon. 1997-2000 chewed too much sugar free gum (lost alot of weight-divorce put it back on). It was mentioned that the cause could be HPV virus. Ironically, one of my 3 jobs these past two years is teaching seminars which I have found I love doing with a passion (Need tongue), another is working in that field (don't really need tongue) and 3rd job tending to young children (definitely need tongue). However, the more I read about Oral C,.... Well, I am not sure if knowledge is power or a doorway to allow fear in. The funny thing is my home also is in need of some major repairs. I believe that if I am given these challenges then the means to afford them shall also come my way. Ignorance is Bliss.
Can't really make out the signature stuff but anyone who has journeyed through Oral C on the tongue, I would appreciate learning anything that helped you make it through.

Lisa 52, non-smoker, no insur
2006 visually diagnosd by dentist
2008 biopsy rt oral tongue-hyperorthokeratosis
11/12 biopsy rt lateral BOT
12/12 biopsy-well dif SCC
12/24/12 MRI, 1/7/13 CT, 1/8/13 PET, 1/11/13 results