Paul, I'd check some of your information. There are several studies showing that Ketogenic diets help kidney function and diabetics.

Here's what I'll say in regards to a high protein and fat diet in regards to cancer as I'm a nutrition nut that's used diet and exercise to rebuild myself after cancer and have spent most of my life studying nutrition.

A diet higher in UNsaturated fats is beneficial for you in several ways metabolically. Omega 3's help insulin resistance, brain function along with numerous other benefits. The higher the percentage of dietary fat in your diet also increases testosterone levels which are crucial in protein synthesis. Lucien is a branched chain amino acid (found in protein) that is responsible for triggering both protein synthesis in the body and is crucial in your bodies immune response.

20% of all cancer patience die of malnutrition not cancer or the treatment of. There are studies that show a direct link between lean muscle mass and cancer survival rates, the higher the muscle percentage the higher the survival rate. There's a reason for this.

When your immune system is activated to fight cancer, and recover from the treatment of, the triggers that activate the immune response also hinder digestion and absorption. As the body is in a hyper-metabolic state the need for nutrients is increased, specifically amino acids (most specifically leucine) to throw at the immune response.

If those amino acids aren't being supplied through the digestive system, the body triggers the catabolic processes of your metabolism to break down it's own lean muscle mass for these amino acids. That's why we lose so much weight going through cancer, the majority of it lean muscle mass. It often leads to cachexia, or cancer related wasting syndrome, and ends up killing the patient.

That's why diet and nutrition are key to maintaining lean muscle mass during treatment. Where I don't believe it will cure cancer it will help you withstand cancer treatment as the only cures for Oral Cancer specifically is surgery or radiation.

Personally I use a ketogenic diet and it's normal for me, it's not for everyone though as it's really difficult for most people to keep to.

Young Frack, SCC T4N2M0, Cisplatin,35+ rads,ND, RT Mandiblectomy w fibular free flap, facial paralysis, "He who has a "why" to live can bear with almost any "how"." -Nietzche "WARNING" PG-13 due to Sarcasm & WAY too much attitude, interact at your own risk.