Fantastic Maestro Eric, your posts are wonderful. I've been following them for a while and I always learn something new. I admit to becoming nutrition obsessed since starting on this voyage. I continue to be horrified by the lack of interest in nutrition from the medical staff.

I'm doing well on nuts and oils, juiced and blended fruit and veg, and probiotic yoghurt. I've moved to only organic diary products. But I am still struggling to get enough protein and complex carbohydrates. I bought a whey protein powder which is horrible so only slowly using it up before trying another one. I can only seem to find large expensive products. I wish the producers would make taster size packs!

Can you give examples of where to get the right nutrients. What is a good source of Lucien? What do you recommend for good complex carbohydrates?

I now need to start upping my muscle building exercise regieme, but I think better start another thread on that, while you are on a roll!

I can't wait to get the OFC app which I think ill be a fantastic resource. At present I am using the MyFitnessPal calorie counter, which is very useful but doesn't always give enough nutrient detail. Cheers Sally

Dx 10/11 51yrs LBOT Stage 4 2nodes HPV16+. Non-smoker mod alcohol.
10/11 Induction chemox2 (Docetaxel, 5-Flu, Cisplatin) then Cisplatinx2 IMRTx30. Ended 01/13/12.
12/07/11 RIG. RIG removed 05/05/12.
4/12 CT scan clear. Visual scope checks clear as of 10/13. Learning to live with eating challenges.