Thanks for the advice guys. I know I say this a lot but it means the world to me. I went out today as planned and it felt exhilarating. I even had moments where I forgot about the incesion. It's funny (for lack of a better term) how when you're diagnosed with a possibly fatal disease like cancer how such simple things can give you a esteem boost. My mom took me to Denny's and although it took me a very long time to eat I found I could eat some normal things that I love. It just filled me with me so much hope and made me feel much less alone.
I did end up getting quite fatigued during our mall visit but I found a copy of the witches on DVD and me and my mom will hunker down and watch that later.
As for creating a signature I don't understand all of the info on yours and some of the info you do have I haven't been given yet

Taking a break from the forum for a while. Thank you so much for your support if you've been supportive.