Eric, i admire you so much. Even im diagnosed in early stage i just can feel like this yet. I cry lots os times. I feel spoiled, but i just dint wanted to be into this, with 29 years and on the top of my carreer. Meetings, speechs were my main activity. As time goes i cant find anyone that is a long term survival, more than 30, 40 years without any recurrence. All i read is reccurence, reccurente and stage changing.

This people stop posting here or... ?

December, 2011 - T1N0M0 SSC Oral Tongue sugery (Dec 07, 2011). Partial glossectomy, primary closure. Selective Neck dissection, all 57 nodes free. 29 at diagnosis, no risk factors at all. No smoking, drinking and HPV negative. Can you explain? I can't.