I wish I could give you a big hug. That is such a lot to deal with all at once. Please keep coming back here for support and to vent your feelings if you need to. I'm recovering from a neck dissection right now. Radical on one side and selective on the other. At three and a half weeks out, I'm feeling pretty good. Cheryl is right, it isn't that bad a surgery. Be good to yourself and don't give up.

Tracy - 33 at diagnosis
SCC right ventral tongue Dx 4/11.
1st resection 5/11.
Bilateral neck dissection: 2 pos nodes
2nd resection w/graft 6/11.
Erbitux x 11 completed 9/11. IMRT x 30 completed 8/11.
3 month MRI and PET/CT all clear.
6, 9, 12 and 24 month post treatment MRIs all clear.