Jacko, thanks for your post. I'm just checking back in on the site now, and appreciate hearing from someone else who had a similar experience.

I didn't follow all the details of what you wrote about the "too large" tongue and/or narrow palate, but it sounds really similar to info I got from a dentist who works at the Univ of Pacific dental school in San Francisco. And a prosthodontist at UCSF explained how part of my repetitive tongue behavior is likely related to the shape of my teeth and jaw, since as he explained it, the tongue movements are generally guided by the shape of the surrounding teeth and mouth.

It's all pretty complicated, and hard for professionals to study since it's all inside the mouth, difficult to see and observe. Guess we'll just need to wait for the studies to catch up with our experiences!

Good luck with everything, and thanks again for posting!


Leukoplakia 3/07, 34y.o. non-smoker/drinker
Biopsy 3/08: clear (no monitoring suggested - grr)
Biopsy 10/18/10: SCC, Stage 2 1.
Surgery 11/15/10: glossectomy R side oral tongue & partial neck dissection. Margins, nodes & salivary gland clear!
Subsequent MRIs/CTs/PETs: All clear!