Well, my dad sent me this site. I don't know if he posts here or not. He's been very private about his cancer, and I have not pressed. But since I'm here, I figured I might as well post, and be involved. My dad is working on 4 yrs of cancer free, but he had a tumor in his gums, that had been seen, but undetected for quite some time. The surgeon had reccommeded a radical surgery, involving some serious facial and neck surgery. He bucked the system, and got second opinions. He ended up having about half of his upper jaw removed, and a prosthesis put in place. He has problems eating still, but he seems to be coping with it. Notice I didn't say COPING WELL. I think he's depressed. He's been very private about the whole thing, and I haven't pressed. IT'S HIS CANCER! I love him tremendously, and I would never impose. Anyway, I'm here to make sure I am doing the right thing. I am here to make sure that I shouldn't be pressing. That I should just be holding his hand. That I should just love him, and ask no questions. Maybe he wants me to ask questions. But, I'm sure the people here can give me the advice I need.

At least I hope!