The most likely scenario tossed around by the really bright is that in those of us where our immune system does not recognize HPV16 as a threat, that we have some genetic commonality. While we several years now from mapping the human genome, deciphering it all is very very far away. Gathering genetic samples from HPV+ OSCC individuals could be done, but there are really more pressing things and little money for any of them. But decades from now someone will have samples in teh national cancer registry tissue bank to look at and in the SEER tissue bank as well. That tissue bank was recent used by Gillison funded partly by OCF to look backwards at HPV into the 1970's and we were able to map it increasing in OSCCC samples as we got closer to today.

Just like we have genetic markers now established in breast cancer, we will develop them in H&N..... many years after the big four are solved and marked.

All this is probably going to one day reveal things. Co-founding factors like diet will likely play a part but not be the sole determining issue.

I am frequently asked why, with HPV causing cervical cancers for so many decades and the scientific community knowing so, why do we not even have the life cycle of HPV16 mapped yet. The answer is that having controlled, for the most part, cervical cancer (the disease that it caused so much havoc in) to the point that only 3700 women die from it annually, there was no scientific curiosity matched with government funding to do something that at the time, (pre OSCC-HPV+) seemed not so important. Now that we know about oral and HPV16, in the last two years we have learned how to culture HPV16 outside the body, something that took years to figure out, so that it could be studied more throughly in a laboratory environment.

By the by, I take D supplements with calcium as well prophylactically. No down side and very inexpensive.

Brian, stage 4 oral cancer survivor. OCF Founder and Director. The first responsibility of a leader is to define reality. The last is to say thank you. In between, the leader is a servant.