Thank you so much Christine,

Your endless support on this site is very evident from all the posts you made and the countless people you have helped. You are a true inspiration to me.

I did check out the cancer centers site. I am currently going to the University of Chicago Medical Clinic, which is on the list, but not rated. There are no other centers within driving distance. Having researched my team of doctor's at U of C Medical, they do have impressive backgrounds. Perhaps I was too quick to judge my surgeon, I found out she was one of the doctors that saved the tongue of famed Chef Grant Achatz by a series of radiation and chemo combination treatment. Here is a link below with some details.

I realize now thanks to your comments and all the posts that I need to stop being a downer and get on top of this and trust the experts that deal with this day in day out. I am meeting with Dr. Blair on Tuesday to go through timing and exactly what needs to be done. I will post next steps next week. Thanks again for all your help.

2001 age 30 SCC on LS Tongue, non smoker, casual drinker. Partial glossectomy
2002-2006 yearly Lichen Planus, 8 surgeries, PDT for 6 mths
2007 1/4 glossectomy, neck dissection, radial forearm flap, 18 nodes removed, trach
2009 erythroplakia gums, 3x cut
2011 SCC gums,recovering surgery Feb