Thank you Anne-Marie, My daughter is 6 years old, and I share a similar bond. She has no idea what is going on, but said to me yesterday out of the blue that she wants me to live forever. It tore at my heart and along with all the posts encourages me to give it my all and fight this as best a I can.

Thanks again for sharing.


Last edited by hgt; 12-29-2010 08:01 AM.

2001 age 30 SCC on LS Tongue, non smoker, casual drinker. Partial glossectomy
2002-2006 yearly Lichen Planus, 8 surgeries, PDT for 6 mths
2007 1/4 glossectomy, neck dissection, radial forearm flap, 18 nodes removed, trach
2009 erythroplakia gums, 3x cut
2011 SCC gums,recovering surgery Feb