You should be able to ask your regular doctor since they will have the report that the OS sent them. The report will have all that information on it. I am one of the few on this site that have had cancer of the hard palate 9(it is more rare). The check ups every 3 months is alright. I would just be vigilant in keeping an eye on everything anyways. I found my recurrence that way. If you feel comfortable with this oral surgeon I would ask him about the other two spots. If they are something that is going to consume your mind I would talk with the oral surgeon and he can biopsy them as well to ease your mind.

I pray that this is the last for you and things are positive from here on out.

31 at dx 9/06
SCC T4N0M0 with bone invasion upper maxillary
Surgery 10/06
CT's clear for 2 years
2nd recurrence - Laser surgery 1/09 dx
Tumor board - No surgery to invasive for QOL
35 IMRT 3/30/09 Completed 5/15/09
8 tx Erbitux 3/24/09 Completed 5/6/09
HBO for ORN March & April 2010
Fibula flap 5/10