Hi Texsun,

To be extremely honest, they downplayed me for weeks, even on my first visit I jokingly asked " So how bad is the cancer doc?" And he literally laughed,made a joke back and said youre too young, just an infection. I swear he medicated me on 3 different drugs before finally sending me for a biopsy. Then she also downplayed it, said I was young, and it didnt " act " like cancer or bleed like cancer so I had nothing to worry about.

Well, about 8 days later they called me in and what had me worried was over the phone they said and I quote " If you can, we prefer you bring a parent or family member with you when you come." I was like, thats not good...Either they think I am 12 or they got some terrible news for me ya know? So it was positive for squamous cell carinoma, did some wingin' around the system and now have a surgery set for the 16th and hopefully get it all removed with no problems. This has been a crazy journey for me and I understand what youre going through.


SCC left lateral tongue, left neck dissection. 2 nodes positive. 3 All Clear then ITS BACK 8/23/11 Shows 1cm in tongue in CT SCAN, Radial Free Arm Flap with Radical Neck Dissection 9/20/11 , All Nodes Negative, But Tongue Tumor Poorly Differentiated. Awaiting next step in treatment on 10/5/11... RIP Nate 7/28/12