I am a 51 yr. old ICU RN (which means I know way too much!) Mid April I developed fullness of my rt. ear, ended up going to ENT, and had CT scan this week. CT scan revealed nothing about my ear, but on the opposite side of my head showed 9 mm x 11 mm lesion on floor of mouth and enlarged (2.3) jugular lymph node on same side as lesion. Also showed multinodular goiter which I have had for years and have been seeing endocrinologist for, and have had biopsied twice (both neg.). ENT is very concerned about way thyroid looks and does not know if all three things are related. At first he said he wanted to bx thyroid first and go from there, but then he felt the mouth lesion (which you can not even tell is there by just looking) and immedicately said he did not like the way that felt and wants to have it biopsied also. He has not set anything up yet because he wants to further discuss CT with radiologist at hospital. I know that most mouth lesions are cancerous and am very doubtful that if I have thyroid cancer it would metastasize to mouth. I live in Jacksonville, FL. Shands hospital is in Jacksonville and affiliated with UF. There is a maxillofacial surgeon at Shands who specializes in cancers of head/neck. He is on my insurance and I am wondering if I should try to get appt. with him and have any further workup done at Shands instead of the hospital I am currently dealing with. Or should I stick with the ENT I am with for all the initial work-up? Also wondering if I should ask ENT for MRI? Or am I just in a state of excessive panic just because I am an RN and, as I said at the beginning, I know way too much? Any help here is greatly appreciated!!

Age 51, married with four kids age 11-18, 9/1/2010, Bx: high grade mucoepidermoid CA left sublingual gland.
10/8/2010, wide excision left floor of mouth, modified radical node dissection left neck.
T1N0M0. IMRT started 11/22.
Never smoked, light social drinker
Also happen to be ICU RN