Posted By: Donna in South Carolina New to site-Hello - 12-14-2007 11:53 AM

I have to say that this site is remarkable. I do not have a diagnosis of any cancer but do have some symptoms that concern me. I have scheduled an appt. with an ENT but unfortunately they don't have an opening until Jan 15. Ugh. I have searched through the site and it certainly has provided some anxiety relief. For now at least.

Hoarse voice for greater than 6 weeks.
Swollen left lymph node side of neck. No pain unless I push on it.
Constant feeling of something in throat.
Winded easily and quite fatiqued.

Unfortunately, I am a smoker of 20 plus years. Didn't really drink until the last 8 years.
The past year has been extremely stressful.

So with that said, I know everyone can see that I have a nursing background but it is somewhat irrelevant since I haven't practiced. The only knowledge I really have is only enough to make me dangerous. Ha Ha!

Thank you to everyone for providing all the information on this site(I have alot to learn) and for all of the positive reinforcement to everyone. I will let you know how things turn out. No crying until there's something to cry about. But in the meantime, trying to cut back on smoking until I can get a Rx for Chantix.
Posted By: davidcpa Re: New to site-Hello - 12-14-2007 01:05 PM

Wish you the best but for your own sake press to get in before Jan 15th. Even I'm anxious for your appt. so do it for me if not for you !! LOL

They can do a FNA on your node and the results are usually back within a week. I just wouldn't wait that long. Try the "squeeky wheel" approach. Tell them to call you if they have a cancellation, etc.

Don't think the tired or winded systoms are related to your throat issues and most likely their is something going on in the throat cavity which hopefully the ENT can see with the aid of that scope we all enjoyed.
Posted By: Donna in South Carolina Re: New to site-Hello - 12-14-2007 02:02 PM
Thanks David! They don't have a waiting list, I have to call everyday to see if they have an opening but I am persistent!! You would think that after I had explained my symptoms, they would be concerned but it just doesn't happen without making the "Noise"

I know I will be looking at that ever sought after scope but will gladly particpate to receive either an "all clear" or "next steps". The unknown is very scary but I am sure that the "next steps" are too. Thanks again and I will keep you updated.
Posted By: oscar de gama Re: New to site-Hello - 12-14-2007 02:05 PM
Hi Donna,

The best thing you can do now is be very aggessive in getting whatever tests you can get done NOW. The longer you wait, the worse off things can become. Act as if your life depends on the moves you make right now, because, unfortunatley, they do. Be pushy if need be, don't be shy.

One thing I found out is that the larger the lymph nodes becomes, it is more likely two detrimental things can happen--the cancer can spread to other lymph nodes, and it can penetrate the lining of the lymph node (extracapsular spread--both of these these will result in a higher staging, thereby increasing the treatment regimen.

I was polite and watched my lymph node grow from the size of a pea to walnut size--the staging increased with the lymph node size.

I wish you the best and hope all of your tests come back negative!

Posted By: Anne-Marie Re: New to site-Hello - 12-14-2007 03:43 PM
Donna - It really pays to be aggressive and do whatever you have to to get your appt moved up. They can create an opening for you and not just wait for one to happen. Your health and you are very important! When my son's biopsy indicated cancer, the oral surgeon's office made an appointment for him with the maxillofacial surgeon for 2 weeks later. Later that day, on a Friday, my ex daughter in law called and I was so upset, she volunteered to call and move up my son's appointment for us. She even pretended to be still married to him (which didn't sit too well with my son, at the time) but whatever she said or did got him the appointment for the following Monday (3 days later)! After the surgery when we had other appointments, I did notice that a few times when we had scheduled appointments, the doctor's office would call and ask us if we could "re-schedule" for later since they were "backed up". I always agreed because I thought it could be someone else waiting as anxiously as we were in the beginning. If the"noise" you make isn't enough, maybe you could have someone else call for you and say that you are too hoarse to be able to talk and suffering extreme anxiety, etc. etc. whatever works. It's worth a try. Jan 15th is much too far off. Please do whatever you have to and let us know what happens.
Posted By: Donna in South Carolina Re: New to site-Hello - 12-14-2007 05:34 PM
Thanks Oscar and Anne-Marie. I did call the office back and was told that since I had not been a patient since 2002 (Tonsilectomy), they were just unable to see me until Jan. Of course this made me angry so I called back and left a message with his assistant with all of my symptoms. She called me back and I am now scheduled for Monday at 2:15. Thanks everyone for keeping me fired up to get it changed.
Posted By: Anne-Marie Re: New to site-Hello - 12-14-2007 06:03 PM
Good for you, Donna! smile I am so proud of you! Do let us know how it goes on Monday.
Posted By: davidcpa Re: New to site-Hello - 12-14-2007 06:39 PM
Whew !!! I'm feeling a lot better now. Thanks.

With that said, go to the appt with prepared questions; take notes and/or take someone with you to help you remember what to ask and what the Doc says. If he/she doesn't seemed concerned ask for a reference to get a 2nd opinion. IMHO you should get a few 2nd opinions regardless.

At a minimum you should get scoped and a thorough mouth cavity exam. I might even ask for a fine needle aspiration or at least be very comfortable with the reason why not to. Certaintly a scan might be the next logical step.


Anyway,. one step at a time. Post when you get home after the visit.
Posted By: liz26 Re: New to site-Hello - 12-14-2007 07:01 PM
Hi Donna,

I agree with David, get moving as fast as you can. They dragged it on and on with Mary, first a round of antibiotics to see if that cleared up the enlarged node, then waiting another month to get an appt. with an ENT, etc., etc., Meanwhile the node got larger and larger.
As a nurse you know a unilateral painless enlarged lymph node requires further investigation-and more times than not it is nothing to worry about, BUT BE PUSHY!!!!! A FNA is easy and gives quick results.

I wish you all the best, let us know how you make out!

Posted By: brenfran25 Re: New to site-Hello - 12-14-2007 07:08 PM
So pleased you've got an appointment for Monday Donna--waiting is the hardest bit!

We're all thinking of you,
Posted By: Donna in South Carolina Re: New to site-Hello - 12-14-2007 09:47 PM
Thank you so much for all of your wisdom and encouragement. I have to say, I am a bit emotional with the out-pouring of concern and caring from individuals that have not met me. I am very concerned, as I should be, but it certainly has helped me by visiting this site and gaining knowledge of oral cancer. Thank you, my new friends!! I will keep you updated. I will go prepared with questions and definately take notes since I am sure, I will be quite emotional. I hope everyone has a great weekend. smile
Posted By: billy.calcutt Re: New to site-Hello - 12-14-2007 09:53 PM
Hi Donna,

I am from Summerville and I pray that this is not cancer. You will be in my thoughts and prayers until we hear back from you on what it is.

I was treated at MUSC for base of tongue stage 4 cancer. On my last visit my doc said I was 100% cancer free. Remember we are here to help you with whatever you may need help with.

Posted By: Donna in South Carolina Re: New to site-Hello - 12-14-2007 10:43 PM
Hi Billy. You are in my backyard, always good to hear from a neighbor. I am glad that you are now cancer free. I will keep you updated. I too hope it will be negative. Prayers are always welcome and needed. Have a great weekend.
Posted By: lolita Re: New to site-Hello - 12-15-2007 08:23 PM
dear donna iwish you the best on your test i just finished tx of larnyx cancer in aug rad 7 weeks and 7 weeks of chemo mine was t1- t2
of theright vocal cord iwas hoarse of and on for over a year pcp was just giving me antibotic went to ent had 2 vocal cord stripping first . they came back ok
then in june of 2007 the bomb shell came
and i also still smoke god it is so hard; if i can help in any way let me know
i lucked out with really great drs
you will always have a lot of /? but the people on here are great even though i still dont get how to do this very good
Posted By: davidcpa Re: New to site-Hello - 12-16-2007 12:34 PM

Donna sorry to use your post but I have to make a comment to something Lolita said.

Posted By: Anne-Marie Re: New to site-Hello - 12-16-2007 09:45 PM
Lolita - Please listen to David. Please!
Posted By: lolita Re: New to site-Hello - 12-16-2007 10:54 PM
does anyone have any idea how lon g it might take to come back all reports have been good so far
Posted By: wilckdds Re: New to site-Hello - 12-17-2007 12:01 AM

Are you asking us to tell you how long we think it might take for your cancer to come back? If that's the case, I doubt that anyone will answer that one.

The one thing I will tell you is that David is right. Give it up. If you don't give up smoking, you do stand a better chance of your cancer coming back. I do smoke cessation counciling in my office and if you would like some phone numbers and web resources, don't hesitate to send me an email.

Posted By: Pandora99 Re: New to site-Hello - 12-17-2007 01:27 AM


Fabulous free support group from when I quit. You get 24/7 support - that plus the patch did the trick. Save your life.

Posted By: Donna in South Carolina Re: New to site-Hello - 12-18-2007 10:03 AM
Went to the ENT. Said he didn't see anything concerning. Let lymph node was a little swollen but he thought maybe I was feeling more of my carotid artery. If that is true, it's very big and I'm concerned about it. He also indicated that I may have GERD. Only way to find out is to be on Nexium. Re-check in a month. Additionally, he said it could be some strep and said he would put me on antibiotic but somehow I didn't end up with an Rx for that.
I asked for an Rx for Chantix but he said he didn't prescribe that kind of product and I would have to go to my regular doc. What a waste of my time. Now I'm off to my regular doc.
Posted By: davidcpa Re: New to site-Hello - 12-18-2007 07:56 PM
What is GERD?

What is Nexium?

The ENT I went to which was doctor number 4 out of 5 until I got the correct Dx, probably saw 2 cancers a year so That's why I went to number 5 which was Moffit Cancer Center and the rest is history.
Posted By: Brian Hill Re: New to site-Hello - 12-19-2007 02:20 AM
GERD is Reflux disease, over production of acid in the stomach that can produce burns in the esophagus that can lead to Barrett's cellular changes to protect the tissues, and potentially esophageal cancers. Nexium is a proton pump inhibitor drug which also has an OTC version (its own previous incarnation) called Prilosec OTC, which reduces the amount of acid the stomach produces bringing things under control long enough for the burned tissues to heal, hopefully preventing the formation of Barrett's tissues in the esophagus. This particular cancer is one of the fastest growing in incidence the US today.

The acids produced by GERD can actually get high enough to affect the arynx and cause hoarseness. But overall I don't care for how this doctor has handled you. He shows no inclination to be concerned with tobacco cessation which the drug he didn't want to provide you with has a good track record of helping people quit. He was going to provide antibiotics without knowing what the infection might have been, it could have been different types of infection, requiring different types of antibiotics (gram negative and gram positive) but in the end he didn't even give you a broad spectrum one to cover things. (I would be against this in general because of the fact that it adds to your potential to develop bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics and you don't need that.) I think a new doctor and new opinions are in order.
Posted By: goose2002 Re: New to site-Hello - 12-20-2007 07:06 AM

As inexperienced as I am in this matter, I agree with Brian. I think seeing another doctor would be the way to go.

My PET scan showed something in my chest near my heart. My ENT said that the heart always "lights up" in the scan. Said that I was due for a chest xray when I turn 40 (1 year from now). Said we'd wait and see if it's still there at that time. The spot was described as non-specific. As relieved as I was to know that I did not have oral cancer, I was still concerned about my chest. I saw my GP, gave him all my results and we are doing a CT scan of my chest today.

I would like to believe that we can trust all doctors; but, we must remember that they are human. A second opinion wouldn't hurt. Your GP may be the place to start. He may recommend an ENT that he trusts.

Donna, as far as I am concerned the people here all have a spot in heaven. They are on their way to becomming saints (Especially Brian for having the insight to start this wonderful site!). The information and compassion that they share here keeps you working to find answers and a cure. Don't stop until you are satisfied.

Keep us posted.

Posted By: EzJim Re: New to site-Hello - 12-20-2007 08:53 AM
As one who has gone thru Nissan Fundiplication Surgery for GERD, I would suggest you find a gastrointologist and have him do a scope . That's how I was diagnosed with Barretts esophagus. My esophagus looked like ulcerated liver. My surgeon wrapped 1/3rd of my stomache around my esophagus. That has been a few years ago and I don't have reflux at all since day 1. I do take Zantac and take some Mylanta . I get the scope from anywhere every 3 to 6 months. I am supposed to eat 6 small meals a day and no large ones.One of the after affects of this surgery is the loss of vomiting, LOL like who cares. No more heart burn or indigestion. Get yourself scoped.
Posted By: Donna in South Carolina Re: New to site-Hello - 12-20-2007 09:41 AM
Thanks Brian. I agree. I was only able to see a NP and was checked for strep (negative) also received Rx for Chantix. I am looking for a doc that has more experience in Cancer of Head and Neck. I really thought the ENT would have been the right place but apparently I was wrong. Thanks for all the help and encouragement.
Posted By: billy.calcutt Re: New to site-Hello - 12-20-2007 02:39 PM
Maybe it would be a good idea to make a phone call to MUSC in Charleston Donna. Maybe they could refer you to someone there or maybe you could come here for treatments. If you do call you want to ask for Dr. Terry Days office. He is the one you want to treat you or refer you.

Posted By: Donna in South Carolina Re: New to site-Hello - 12-20-2007 03:26 PM
Thanks Billy. I think that is a great idea. It is a great place to start. I might would end up there anyway. Thanks for the info.
Posted By: Donna in South Carolina Re: New to site-Hello - 12-31-2007 05:49 PM
I am glad the holidays are almost over. It has been a bit of a tough one since my mind is competely taken over by concern. I did have one of my Doctor friends feel my left node and she is completely concerned. Said I needed a scan to check for my worst fear along with blood work. I did make an appt with my regular doc for Wednesday. I surely thought by going to the ENT I would be ahead of everything but I guess not.

I have read about all of the time that it has taken for so many to be diagnosed. What a waste and certainly a possibility that some would have lived or lived better had it been found earlier. As I educate myself, I will also be educating the medical community. I will keep everyone posted as I travel through this maze.
Posted By: EzJim Re: New to site-Hello - 01-01-2008 12:39 AM
I wish you good luck with everything . I had 3 Drs tell me Ihad nothing wrong a year before OC was found and I'm going to make it thru this next one too. Just think positive and that will be 90% of your battle.
Posted By: EzJim Re: New to site-Hello - 01-01-2008 12:43 AM
I have Barretts esophagus . I had sugery for it, called Nissen Fundiplicaion. They wrap 1/3 of your stomache around your esophagus. No more reflux but you have to get scope to keep an eye on it. I could eat out of a garbage can now and get no reflux at all. You also lose the ability to vomit . LOL
Posted By: Donna in South Carolina Re: New to site-Hello - 01-08-2008 11:26 AM
I agree with Jim about positive thinking is 90% of the battle. I just continue to be frustrated with the medical industry.

I went back to the doctor to discuss my concerns and he sent me to have a CT scan of my neck. It should have been head, neck and chest based on my symptoms but okay, I go with it. No blood work. Get a call from doc's assistant, tells me everything is normal. I told her that I was relieved but what do we do from here since we haven't discovered the cause of my symptoms. She just said that she was sure the doc would discuss my results the next time I came in but the doc didn't need to see me back for this. I asked her to send me the results and it did state that they could not find cause for my findings but I did have a ligament in my neck that has ossified and would cause Eagle Syndrome which can cause many symptoms that I am having. I cetainly think that this is pertinent to know. So the results were not exactly "NORMAL" but that is what I am told. So now, I am pushing to have CBC with differentials, liver and kidney functions just to make sure we are not missing something. Still haven't heard back on that yet. I'll keep everyone posted as I continue to push to get the tests that should have been done from the beginning.

Hope everyone is having a great new year.
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