David I can always rely on you to give me all the positive news! lol! They told me to drink as much gatorade G2 (less sugar) as I can drink along with water. Even told me to drink pedialyte since it has even less sugar and more electolytes! Well I am hopefully not going to have to start drinking my meals till at least week 4-5 especially since I am not taking the PEG. I have gained 17 lbs in the past month! Tell me I cant put on the lbs! lol!

30 yr old M non-smoker (stuborn ass italian)
SCC left side Tongue 2/17/09, Partial Gloss. 2/25/09
Left ND 5/20/09 10 nodes, 1 pos (1.7cm w/xtra cap spread)
Finished Rads IMRT X 33 8/18/09 (70gy)No PEG, No Chemo
"On the long road to recovery 1 step at a time"