Pat- You are great. I know it must seem liek you are mistepping sometimes. There are no guidebooks to dealing with someone going through cancer. You will have good days and bad days. Your presence is a comfort to him I'm sure- even if it seems like he is annoyed by your presence he's probably just processing all that is happening to him and is just getting through it.. dealing with the side effects and just not feeling good.

I often would at teh same time want my husband to go away and be there at the same time. We spent so much time together it as hard sometimes but even when I felt at my worst and just felt sad and upset about all that was hapening to me I still was so thankful to have him by my side-- sometimes I may not have expressed it that way at certain moments when I felt just terrible.

I know this treatment time is so very difficult.
You sound lieka very sweet and thoughtful woman- He is lucky to have you.

Hang in there... Take care--- K

Tongue Cancer T2 N0 M0 /
Total Glossectomy Due to Location of Tumor

Finished all treatments May 25 2007