The avenue that you are discussing regarding sugar and cancer is not correct and is a function of extrapolating one idea into something that it is not. It is much too detailed for this post, but consumption of sugar has nothing to do with anything. If it were, those individuals who are eating whole Sara Lee cheesecakes to keep the weight on would be in big trouble... A PET scan finds cells that are metabolizing / burning energy at an increased rate. This is a known characteristic of cancer cells. Metabolism is a function of glucose consumption at a cellular level. This is because cancer cells divide rather rapidly, hence the higher sugar burn. (Not sugar as in the packet you put in your coffee) If the scan finds some group of cells that are metabolizing glucose faster than surrounding cells, that makes them suspect to be cancer cells. PET scans are not a definitive diagnosis for cancer, but they give someone a good idea where (anatomically) they should be doing a biopsy to find out what's what.

Brian, stage 4 oral cancer survivor. OCF Founder and Director. The first responsibility of a leader is to define reality. The last is to say thank you. In between, the leader is a servant.