Now that I dropped the last e from Gelclair (not Gelclaire), I see more threads.

I tried it yesterday. It made me gag a lot, but I lasted that hour. It didn't help at all. I will try again today, but it doesn't seem like it's doing much so far. I hope it's not because when I was gagging, I was just spitting it all out.

I am down to two last weeks, and it's pretty miserable. I gave up on normal foods, and am now just on supplements (replete and ensure) and water, and tea with honey. Have tons of phlegm from those those shakes though. I know - not much I can do, just very unpleasant.

My tongue burns a lot, so anything I take by mouth hurts. It hurts to talk too - anything that makes my tongue move hurts. I take percoset for pain, I also take magic mouthwash before eating. Both help for the throat, but not much for the tongue pain.

The doctors are saying I'm looking decent so far, and promise that it will get worse, which is pretty scary. I read and re-read your posts guys for inspiration.

38 yo@dx, female, non-smoker, non-drinker, SCC right lateral tongue. T2N2aMx stage IVa; 1/20/09 bilateral neck dissection, hemiglossectomy, micromets in 2 right nodes, left all clear. 33xIMRT + 3 cisplatins. Tx completed 5/08/09. PET scan 7/29/09 clear, 5/26/10 clear, chest x-ray 5/23/11 clear