I'm done with 22 out of 33 treatments, and the side effects have gotten pretty tough. My oncologist prescribed Gelclaire for me, I got it yesterday, but have yet to use it. I use magic mouthwash and percoset for pain management, mainly because it takes just few minutes for it to start working. The Gelclaire packet says not to eat or drink for an hour following application, and I dont' know if I can handle not drinking for an hour as my mouth/throat get too dry or I'd start coughing...

I've searched the forums for any references to Gelclaire, and there isn't much.

Anyone had any experience with it?


38 yo@dx, female, non-smoker, non-drinker, SCC right lateral tongue. T2N2aMx stage IVa; 1/20/09 bilateral neck dissection, hemiglossectomy, micromets in 2 right nodes, left all clear. 33xIMRT + 3 cisplatins. Tx completed 5/08/09. PET scan 7/29/09 clear, 5/26/10 clear, chest x-ray 5/23/11 clear