I did not use the Gelcaire, however there is a man in my local H&N support group absolutely swears by it. Says it works better than the magic mouthwash at healing the sore in your mouth.
Infact he believes in it so much that when I was going through treatment he contacted the company to see if they would work with me with the cost as I don't have insurance. I didn't follow through with it, because I really didn't have a problem with sores in my mouth. If what he tells me about this stuff is true, you should give it a shot, and if you can't make the hour without a drink, what have you really lost. I don't think there was but I will go back and check his email, if there was any additional interesting information, I'll post it for you.

40 yr old. Stage IV SCC found left tonsil. PET/CT shows cancer on base of tongue, floor of mouth, lymph nodes on both sides. HPV 16 pos. 6 weeks of cisplatin, 43 days of radiation. 73gy on each side.
ND March 2, 2009
reoccurance dx'd Aug 19, 2009