I stoped smoking 32 years ago, It was not easy, I had to stay away from anyone who smoked. when I wanted to smoke I had to get up and do something, anything to get my mind on something else. the 1st. two week where the hardest, But you can do it, If I can anyone can. I could smell better, food tasted better and I felt better, It was the best thing I ever did for myself. Get rid of all ash trays and smokes out of your home, so you have time to think about it on the way to the store. each day will get easier, but the want stays with you for a long time. Hope this is of some help to you. Good luck with it.

mouth cancer Diagnosed July 11th.2008
Surgery on July 24th. to remove cancer between chin and gums.
pet scan being set up for end of month.
Ratation and small amounts of chemo will start in about 5 weeks after mouth has healed. will need a feeding tube.
66 year old female,