Thank you Sue Marie
This is all new to me, so I was not even thinking what I should post - sorry smile

Here is what they have told me:

They will remove an end block of the upper jaw - hoping for clear margins. This will open sinus cavity so they will use a prosthesis to cover this at time of surgery - screwing it into place for holding at time of surgery then a week later removing screws and refitting it.

At that time lab reports should be back on the block of jawbone they have removed and will show if they got clear margins. If they did then I will not receive radiation - if they did not, then I will have 6 weeks of daily radiation, about 6 weeks after surgery.

My mind is not computing this at all right now - was doing ok until it got to a week away and now my mind is on overload and all i can do is cry.

I am so scared and have no clue what I am up against or can expect and when I called down to ask the nurse my questions I never got any answers.

I don't feel as though they have told me anything as far as what to expect once they do the course of treatment they have chosen, they have not explained anything at all, which makes it more scary.

All these questions run through my head ...

Will I be in bed for days / weeks? Will I be able to speak in a few days? When can you drink? Does it cause choking? Can you lie down in bed or have to be raised up to not choke? Can I swallow my daily meds with water? How bad is recovery and how long is the worst part and when do you begin to feel human again?

- Diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma where upper wisdom tooth was removed. Have not been told a 'stage' as of yet just that it was caught prior to it hitting the nodes.

Thanks so much for any insight you can offer.

Rita - Age 44
wife, mother of 4 - ages 3,16,21,24 & grandma to 1
(R upper) Maxillectomy 8/8/08 - UW / Seattle, WA.


"Those who think by the inch and speak by the yard, should be kicked by the foot."