
Next friday I am scheduled for a maxillectomy at the UW in seattle.
Upon examination the dr there did not see any more tissue effected in the gum region where my oral surgeon had biopsied and found it, but the ct with contrast concerns him that it has invaded into jawbone.

I am scared of a few things I do not know. Anyone who has been thru this, I would sure appreciate your input / feedback.

My concerns are:
1) will i be able to swallow etc. when I wake up?
2) will i be able to take my meds?
3) can you lay down when you get home or do i need to get something for propping me up in bed?
4) how long is the bad part of recovery?

can someone describe their experience so i have a clue of what i am facing? i know everyone does different, but a general idea helps a lot when you feel lost and scared.

Thanks so much in advance.

I have a 3 y/o and though my sister is coming to help, I hope I am doing well enough soon after that my little girl doesn't feel disoriented with it all.