Well I went to see my Mo and ENT today and both are pleased with the way things are going. The ENT told me to keep doing what I am doing and the MO has me on the 4 month folow up visits also. Now that my taste seems to be returning, I am finally getting the sense of "normal" back. A while back I had a bout with some thrush that seemed to hamper my taste buds and the medicine took care of that. So all is going well and I can "live" with this for the alternative was not acceptable. God Bless, BB smile

Bill B. Dx 10-16-06 Stage 4 T2N2bM0 SCC Left Tonsil,3 nodes. 1st tx 11-28-06, last tx 1-8-07. 3x Cisplatlin, 5fu pump, and Doxetaxel. Modified neck dissection,20 Nodes removed, all clear 02-21-07. HPV+,33 IMRT start 3-22-07 70GY,Completed 05-04-07 smile