I had it very strongly for the first 4 or 5 months post treatment. It has subsided now to the point where most days I do not notice it. Partially, it is masked by the nerves reconnecting from my neck dissections and the "interesting" sensations caused by that and the neck fibrosis. ;-)

I love to play golf, so every now and then when I look down at the ball or bend to put the tee in the ground, the zapping will start, which is a bit disconcerting. Like anything else, it becomes part of the "new normal" and we learn to adjust.

SCC Right BOT Dx 3/28/2007
T2N2a M0G1,Stage IVa
Bilateral Neck Dissection 4/11/2007
39 x IMRT, 8 x Cisplatin Ended 7/11/07
Complete response to treatment so far!!