Hello Ron, Sorry you are here but it is the place to be in your case. What happened is reality just bit you in the *&&. What you need to do now is get all the information you can about your dx and get mad. Just because you were told you have cancer does not mean it is a death sentence. Research and get tough with this and make the best decisions in your treatments and you will be fine. I think I would do as David suggested and get a second opinion before any surgery. Where are you being treated? Is it a CCC? Talk to your full team. Stay in touch. smile

Bill B. Dx 10-16-06 Stage 4 T2N2bM0 SCC Left Tonsil,3 nodes. 1st tx 11-28-06, last tx 1-8-07. 3x Cisplatlin, 5fu pump, and Doxetaxel. Modified neck dissection,20 Nodes removed, all clear 02-21-07. HPV+,33 IMRT start 3-22-07 70GY,Completed 05-04-07 smile