Ron -- Welcome to the site, though we are sorry you have to be here.

That is the way this disease works. Though it seems like everything was "normal", this disease was perking away, just waiting for the lump in your neck to get big enough to feel, which leads to them looking at the throat, etc. Pretty much the way it went for me, though mine was discovered via another unrelated surgery.

PET scan will help determine degree that the cancer has spread, so that they have a better idea of what kind of neck surgery to perform (called a neck dissection). That will determine how aggressive the surgery will need to be. The whole cancer team (assuming you are going to a CCC), will review and work on a treatment plan for you.

It is scary and overwhelming right now. Take it one piece at a time, and ask lots of questions, both here and at your doctor. We all have been there, done that, got the T-Shirt, with a wide variety of experiences, results, etc. So pretty much anything you encounter, somebody here will have already experienced it, to one degree or another.

Welcome again, with sympathies. Allow yourself the time to feel the fear, angst and other emotions, then get angry and prepare to kick the %^^%$ out of this disease.

SCC Right BOT Dx 3/28/2007
T2N2a M0G1,Stage IVa
Bilateral Neck Dissection 4/11/2007
39 x IMRT, 8 x Cisplatin Ended 7/11/07
Complete response to treatment so far!!