Oh Brenda! Im so sorry to hear your news! BOOO! But i believe its true that when heres no bone chopping/sawing involved it wont hurt as much.
By the way, what is it with these docs and and the bloody Power Trips they seem to hold over us and our relief???...our ONLY relief for most of us...Drugs!
My God, WE HAVE CANCER FOR HEAVENS SAKE...AND IT HURTS LIKE NOTHING ON EARTH!! I wish I could find at least one Dr who had been through it, then maybe they'd understand.
I cant get enough pain relief and spend most days and nights in tears after only two weeks of Radiation. I am thinking seriously of stopping...could death be worse? Im so sorry for thinking like this but I have already had more than enough and I havent even started, have I?!
As far as my pain goes, I believe this is because for the past 20 years i have been on fairly heavy duty drugs combatting debilitating, herediatary, migraine. I was put into hospital and the result was, I got "cured"...no different to a diabetic is how I look at my treatment. I take tablets everyday to prevent attacks that disable me and prevent mefrom doing what I do.
I have also been on anti anxiety drugs too for the same amount of time. I dont LOOK like a junkie,nor do I act like one! So, as you can imagine giving me an shot of morphine that would put a horse to sleep is like me taking asprin for Cancer pain! To make matters worse my beloved and trusted Family Dr was 'old school' (and he DID cure my thrice-weekly-vomit-girl-from-Hell- migraines!!) But he has now just retired and all the young hot shots cant (wont) believe his treatment worked and are starting me all over again of "have you tried this..how about this?..this?" ho hum! I was on long term methodone...starting a long time ago on a high dose (12 tabs a day) and then reducing the dose myself to 2 tabs a day aby 10% a week! I was so happy!...Then I got diagnosed with Tongue Cancer and I was told not to lower my dose any more. Now...I wish they would think LOGICALLY about this for a second. iM 46 YEARS OLD. Ive done the rock scene, the Bars, the 5-stars and Casinos..In fact, I have been a (never unemployed) professional Musician all of my working career and have managed not only to stay fully employed but have been paid to play and sing all over the world. During this time I have also managed to have tried nothig more than the ole puff of grass! (which tasted like soap and did nothing for me haha)! I havent seen herion, been offered exctasy, not Ice, GBH (or whatever it is) or speed... nor any other of the drugs we all read about. I surely could have got hold of them if I wanted to..BUT I DIDNT WANT TO BE A JUNKIE, I WANTED TO ME A MUSO!! Not only that I DONT EVEN DRINK ALCOHOL...AT ALL! I DONT LIKE IT!
do these geniuses think I WISH to turn into a junkie at the age of 46 WHILE im not working, extremely sick and really in dire need of giving myself and my Husband, more emotinal and physical problems..not just for me but for my family!!!
So, Brenda, when you ask for anti anxiety drugs again...DEMAND THEM! After all as with a Musicians Agent... WE PAY THEM NOT THE OTHER WAY ROUND! GRRR. And you can tell you Doc that the serapax is the ONLY drug that seems to reduce the swelling in my tongue even just enough to eat a bit..it makes sense...the tongue is a muscle...and what do anti anxiety dryugs do? RELAX MUSCLES! Yeesh! Im not usually as grumpy as a sound tonite, Im just in a lot of pain right now. Maybe if i 'accidentally' aquire some kind of medical trauma that they can SEE rather than having to trust my word on my pain level..."So Lyn, whats your pain level out of ten today?" "Its 24...got any ideas?"

By the way my Prayers are with you Brenda, and all and thank you for giving me a place to vent and whine...you are great friends and i am honoured to be allowed to be here to ask your advice and talk to you all. I hope you all get to meet me when (and if) I dont have Cancer..Im really quite a nice person...im even fun to be around! haha Lots of Peace, Prayers and Love from Down Under! Lyn xxx

Tongue Cancer SCC Removal of 2/3 of right side tongue, neck disection-34 lymph nodes removed. flap for new tongue made from left wrist in 2007. Now (mid 2011) speech has been back to normal since early 2009, and Im back working as a singer. So far so good!
2016... Still cancer free! Yay.