I whole heartedly agree with your dental oncologist, but like he says, not all of them are on the same page. Fortunately my regular dentist son, had recently gone to UCLA dental school, had a class on post oral radiation issues and loaned me his textbook. In spite of the UCSF dental oncologist initial recommendation to have ALL of my teeth pulled, later revised to molars only - sent all kinds of flags up! I had my own dental consult and have paid much money, out of pocket, for years for maintaining good dental health wanting to die my own teeth. Both of my parents had false teeth and there was NO WAY I was going there. My teeth are hardly perfect - I have lots of crowns, filings, etc,. but no gum disease (just the normal "long in the tooth" recession for someone my age). Your dental health is also a window into your general health.

I actually suspect the DO at UCSF wanted to use me as a demonstration lab rat for his students (it would have been done in the OR there). Screw them! Not every CCC is perfect - just because you are at one doesn't abdicate being your own advocate.

Many here have mentioned that the MOST DIFFICULT thing of their cancer experience was losing their teeth.

I have plenty of salivary function and my dentist is quite pleased with both my lack of decay and gum health (and plaque buildup). If you have no plaque - you have no saliva. For me, it was the correct choice. Of course if dental hygiene is not on your high priority list then maybe you had better re-think your strategy.

I bought some of the Biotene gum and the package sits up-opened. I haven't been a gum person since I was blowing Bazooka bubbles in my youth.

My RO actually recommended "Jolly Ranchers" (because of the tartness) to stimulate saliva production but those things are VERY high in sugar.

Last week I cut Coke (I won't drink "diet" anything -or anything with sugar substitutes) out of my diet, replacing it with Calistoga either plain or carbonated, unflavored water and other than the sugar and caffeine withdrawals I am over the hump now. I may be able to throttle back to 3 cleanings a year according to my hygenist.

I have already mentioned in other posts the extreme measures (or not so) I took so I won't repeat them here. I will say one thing - it didn't matter how weak or sick I was, I flossed every night, used the Water Pik after each meal and the dental trays w/flouride almost every night. I never once skipped over no matter how difficult it was. The same amount of determination to go PEGless I might add.

Occasionally I have an opportunity to visit Silver Spring, when I go to the FDA headquarters there, maybe Barry, you and I can meet up for dinner next time I am in town.

Gary Allsebrook
Dx 11/22/02, SCC, 6 x 3 cm Polypoid tumor, rt tonsil, Stage III/IVA, T3N0M0 G1/2
Tx 1/28/03 - 3/19/03, Cisplatin ct x2, IMRT, bilateral, with boost, x35(69.96Gy)
"You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes" (James 4:14 NIV)