thank you all for your responses!I never knew that ORN might be a gradual process & may take years to appear as all this time i've been thinking that since the dental nightmares didn't pop up now,it's unlikely to trouble along the road!

Jerry...i found your post very informative...hyperbaric oxygen is something my dental surgeon never bothered to mention..he just said a big no to implants.I just need to know:
1)do they need to do an x-ray to determine the bone damage before a tooth extraction(radiated site) after 1.8 yrs post radiation.
(as i was under the assumption that the bone would have healed itself after all this time).

2)How do i find out if i have ORN?Are there any symptoms to look out for?
(my teeth seem fine at the moment but i think i need to be proactive to avoid dental issues in the future).

3)Are there any negative issues related to the hyperbaric oxygen treatment?
(I'm really surprised as to why, neither my RO nor my dentist have mentioned these treatments to me as not only does it seem beneficial for radiated tissues but might even help with the neck stiffness as a result of dissection).

During surgery the flap they did from the thigh, was lost & after few days they had to do a new one from another part.Just when i thought i was over & done with the operating room,i had to be wheeled in again & ofcourse not to mention the long scar on my thigh..all wasted...& now to find out that the HBO treatments might actually have saved the first flap.sorry to keep on & on but i just feel so mad at the moment.I can't wait for my next follow up with the docs..they have some serious answering to do!!

Gary...thanks alot for reminding me that you simply can't do enough for dental hygiene & maintenance.I think i was taking it for granted a bit & i needed a wake up call.I just need to know what exactly you use for your home flouride treatments.My dentist mentioned that they mix different substances to make the paste & it's not available in the market.