Amy, more than one person suggested to me that deep dark beer has a ton of calories. Never having been much of a drinker, I am concerned about calories. As I've been whipping up those 1300 milkshakes posted here, I must confess that several times when my spouse and I have ventured out in public to adult venues, I've ordered Kahula and Cream---not for the buzz factor but for the calories. My days of drinking margaritas might be over, but the Kahula and Cream on the rocks is much like drinking chocolate milk.

Of course, I'm aware of the risk factors of alcohol, but I consider a couple shots a month to be minimal. Most of the time the calorie intake outweighs the risk factor. I'm usually the only one at the table ordering cheesey calorie laden appetizers as

I hate to digress from the statistics, but sometimes it just feels good to taste again--anything. My spouse opened up a bottle of cherry and honey mead for Thanksgiving. While I couldn't drink more than a few sips, it was a blessing to just taste it briefly.

Meanwhile, cheese, butter, cream and gravy have become a staple in my daily intake. <G> Calories are calories no matter how they come.
