I don't know if this helps at all, but perhaps someone has a similar experience.

I was told that there are nerves in your tongue that go through the ear. Thus, whether it be tumor or the side effects of radiation, the nerve is effected causing shooting pain in the ears.

Several weeks after my radiation treatment and I'm having shooting pain every once in a while in my ear. Not horrific, just bothersome.

On the other hand. My radiaiton treatment was delayed because I had pneumonia. When my radiation was a few weeks in, I had a lot of pain and fullness in my ear. The radiation docs who followed me, my oncologist and bmt doctor all said everything was ok.

I went to my ENT doctor and she said right away that I had fluid buildup behind the ear drum. She said that most doctors didn't want to do the procedure, but that if I was in pain she would. She poked a hole in my ear drum with anesthesia and then sucked out a bunch of mucous using a vaccuuum tube. I felt better immediately.

I'm starting to get that feeling again, and will be asking the ENT about this possibility again. I know radiation treatment gives you sticky mucous and I've had sinus problems.

Anyway, just a random thought. Wouldn't hurt to ask a doctor about it.