Scrippity doooooo! I was all a bunch of pooooh!

I didn't go with Ed (and it was killing me, but he didn't ask so I didn't offer until he was walking out the door). I don't know the doctor's exact words but what I heard when Ed called with an update was (this is what I could hear Dr. Sinard saying), "You're not the only guy showing up here freaking out over lumps and things. Come any time you feel like something's not right... Oh, wait a second! I've got an idea! Let me feel around your neck and tell you what I feel then you feel around and tell/show me what you feel. Don't get too worried until I get worried. You're too soon out of the PET for multiple nodes to appear out of nowhere without SOMETHING appearing on the scan. Your body is doing things it never had to do because it never had radiation, chemo before and your body is having so many changes - hang in there - you're doing fine, see you in 7 weeks if you don't freak out before then." Maybe Ed heard something a little more coherent.

Thank you everyone! Like Ed said before he rang off, "I guess I'll just go to work then." (and he's having a second interview for a serious opportunity tomorrow - first time in a mega long time (4 yrs) that we/he may be close to having "normal" in our house.) Pray, pray, pray. Good juju! Only good juju!

I love you guys!

(with a Groucho nose so no one will recognize it's really me being so goofy)

Caregiver to Uptown/Ed, SCC Stage IV, Base of tongue - Completed Chemo (Cisplatnin/5FU) and 45 days' simultaneous Radiation 10/08/03