This brings up a memory!

One of our friends, when we lived in California, was stuck on the highway in a traffic jam. (duh!) She had 5 kids and one of the girls was beating her brother with a hairbrush. As I know we've all done at one time or another, this Mom just reached around and took a swipe at the offender. Unfortunately, she connected and managed to slap the child on the cheek. Not on purpose, one of those "don't make me stop this car" swings. Unfortunately, there was a San Diego cop behind her. He immediately pulled her over and arrested her!!!!!!!

Hindsight, we can laugh, but at the time it was awful. She had to go through family counseling, the whole nine yards.

Fast-forward a few months. My oldest was three and ran in front of a car in a huge parking lot. I have to admit, I was trying to drive a stroller with his newborn brother, keep the bags from falling and chasing this bugger!!!! I lost it. I grabbed him up once the car came to a screeching halt, and busted his little behind. As I'm putting him in his carseat and trying to explain to him why he was spanked, this HUGE cop with mirrored sunglasses walked up. I could have died!!!! I started pleading my case, and all he did was, pull off the glasses, look down at me and Shane and say that I did the best thing possible. He said, "I remember when my mom had her hands full, and I would try her. She gave my butt a whipping when it needed it, and that's why I'm where I am today".

He reached in, gave Shane a hug, and said, "Listen to your Mama....she loves you".

I'll never forget that good man.


Husband diagnosed with stage III tonsil and floor of mouth cancer in August 2002. Three rounds of chemo/42 RAD treatments. Upper right lung lobectomy in March 2003. (Benign)