Congratulations, Deborah! What a major accomplishment it is to finally be finished with treatments. After the initial euphoria fades a bit, I caution you to measure progress weekly rather than daily. Some people subscribe to the figure of one month recovery time for every week of treatment, but I found that my recovery was much, much more rapid. I was on strong narcotic pain patches for two weeks post-tx because of severe burns to my neck and face from the rad. After that, I just took OTC stuff and was fine. It took a about a month for my mouth to heal up to where I could eat that way and it was a month after that when I scheduled PEG removal. It was important for me to get some exercise every day. I began with very short walks, going just a bit farther every day. I think mentally it did me a lot of good to be outside and moving.

I am very happy to hear that you have completed the obstacle course known as treatment. Nobody bounces right back, but you will see steady weekly progress. Again, sincere congratulations!