I wanted to tell you that I feel the bittersweet moment you shared with us!!

You are a saint for being there and your husband is a trooper!!

I vividly remember the day my radiation was finished and I want to share some of my experience. First, I am having a glass of champagne in honor of your husband's completion of the therapy (any excuse to have a glass of champagne:)

These are just my experiences, I am not a Dr and this does not mean all or any of this might be the same for your husband.

1st don't rush the PIC line removal (unless you have an infection issue or something) and I recommend getting a plan from his pain management Dr to start tappering pain meds.

They can make one sicker than some of the treatment.

For me, the worst was the first few days AFTER treatment...

For one, the radiation effects were delayed and got worse after, but I survived ok.

Next, I fell in to a DEEP depression, (I guess that's what it was) a feeling I can't explain..I've read it's fairly common and may have something to do with how anti-climatic it al is, how there's a realization that the journey may have just begun, I don't know...but it would maybe help to watch for the depression, and maybe have some rx plans to deal with it.

For me, it was a couple of weeks of pure hell...crying and weeping all the time...wondering when the cancer would return (It may have this week by the way:( ) and dealing with all the emotions that I was too sick from chemo and radiation to deal with...maybe it was because I was so busy trying to stay alive from the treatment, I forgot about the feelings? I don't know. I am sorry if I am making this all about me, but I wanted to give you a head's up in case it hits him like it did me.

Anyway, I am enjoying a nice glass of chilled champagne...6 months ago I would have sworn that I would NEVER be able to even think about drinking wine again (could barely drink water for 2 months!) and eventually took EVERYTHING by the PEG TUBE ...so there IS light at the end of the tunnel...

Michael | 53 | SCC | Right Tonsil | Dx'd: 06-10-05 | STAGE IV, T3N2bM0 | 3 Nodes R Side | MRND & Tonsillectomy 06/29/05 Dr Fee/Stanford | 8 wks Rad/Chemo startd August 15th @ MSKCC, NY | Tx Ended: 09-27-05 | Cancer free at 16+ Yrs | After-Effects of Tx: Thyroid function is 0, ok salivary function, tinnitus, some scars, neck/face asymmetry, gastric reflux. 2017 dysphagia, L Carotid stent / 2019, R Carotid occluded not eligible for stent.2022 dental issues, possible ORN, memory/recall challenges.