Thanks Brian and Minnie,

My sister sits outside the waiting room for my mom and these past few days it has taken a lot longer because of the x-rays. They are radiating IMRT her neck, shoulders and both sides of her face so the sessions take a really long time to begin with. The darn machine breaks down so they have hang around the hospital until it starts to work again because they are 25 miles from my moms house. I can't believe she only has one more session......

I know exactly what you are talking about Minnie when you mention the depression thing. I know that both my sister and I will go through it with her. We are already at the point where we know that after radiation she will have check ups every few weeks but they will not be doing anything to fight the cancer anymore and her ENT has really put it into all of our heads that radiation is a one time thing (thats why he saved it for the recurrance).
Next week my mom (Barbara) will be at my house to take care of my little girl. I will definately have her post on the board so she can introduce herself to everybody.

I was also wondering how long will it be before her "cancer" is not the only thing on my mind? I usually don't obsess and after her first surgery I really didn't think about it too much but now its always on my mind. I try to have fun and its just this feeling I always have with me and then my mind starts to wander and I can't get it out of mind.....Have any other family members been where I am as far as obsessing with this? My mom is the most wonderful giving sweet person I have ever known. She is the GLUE that holds our very small family together. I hate that she has to go through this.....


Originally joined OCF on 12/12/03 as DaniO or Danijams
Dani-Mom SCC BOT & floor of mouth surgery-recur then surgery/rads & chemo completed 3/04
surgery 11/06 to remove dead bone & replace jaw w/ leg bone & titanium plate