
My mom works for a research lab in Malibu as a Purchaser and New Contracts. She would have worked through the radiation but she was already off because she had the surgery in December and her job requires her to be on the phone a lot and with her voice getting hoarse and her mouth still somewhat healing from the surgery she opted to remain off for a while. She misses all her friends at work because shes been there for about 25 years but this whole cancer thing has really made her consider an early retirement and doing something part time that woud benefit needy people. She is soooo sweet and always looks out for everybody else. She also wants to spend plenty of time with Keeley my 5 month old. We live about 60 miles away from each other and since I work full time and she normally does too we only get together every couple weeks. Lately because my sister is my nanny and now she is taking care of my mom daycare has been an issue for me so I just bring Keeley up to my moms house and she and my sister take care of her. Its hard for me but I know that the baby is a big part of why my mom has been so strong through all this. I'm 34 and the only one of her older kids (she has a 13 year old son my half brother) thats married and she has been begging me for years to give her a grandchild. The second she sees Keeley her eyes light up and she knows she can get through anything.....

I will tell her to be patient with the eating thing and the taste thing and the saliva thing. Her oncologist sat with her for over an hour going over everything before the treatment started and she did tell her that it would be a while. She said it would take at least 6-8 weeks for the mouth sores to heal and then at least 6 months before shes 75% again. I know this will all be frustrating for her as she really misses going out to dinner and actually tasting anything. I think the reason she went without the PEG tube is because after the first surgery in April she ate more than she should have because she said...."If I ever have to go through the surgery again I do not want a feeding tube" (she hated the feeding tube in her nose) and both her ENT and Oncolgist said she didn't need the PEG tube because she could loose 20 pounds safely.

I personally think she should have gotten the PEG tube but she won't ask for it. Well anyways enough of my rambling. I will let you all know how things go over the next week and the following week she will be staying with me so maybe I can get her to get on the board and introduce herself to all you wonderful people....

Good night!

Originally joined OCF on 12/12/03 as DaniO or Danijams
Dani-Mom SCC BOT & floor of mouth surgery-recur then surgery/rads & chemo completed 3/04
surgery 11/06 to remove dead bone & replace jaw w/ leg bone & titanium plate