As most of you know, I'm a newcomer. I'm still recovering from the PEG placement done this week and will be starting both radiation and chemo next week. All last night, I kept thinking of questions and possible posts, so I'll try to be organized here.

What I've been told is that I'll be getting a 20% dose of Cisplatin for six hours prior to radiation on Tuesdays. They gave us a tour of the chemo infusion area, and I guess I want to know what to expect to make this easier on myself and avoid problems.

The nurse called me in an anti-nausea medication, Prochlorper (generic for Compazine) but I wasn't instructed as to when to take it. The day chemo starts etc.

All thru this process, I kind of like to know what to expect so I can plan for it and make it easier. Our Cancer Center in Denver is new and not many places nearby for hotels or restaurants as it's been built near the outskirts in an industrial area. Since I can still eat pretty good and the PEG tube was put in as a convenience and future measure, I was wondering if it would do me well to pack a cooler full of food for the six hours of duration so my spouse and I can nibble. I may not feel like eating but maybe he will. Do any of you have any chemo snacks to suggest?

I'm trying to be positive. I'm telling my mind not to expect any problems and maybe I can just fly thru this without the nausea. It's the first treatment this coming week and I might not be feeling the effects of it for awhile. Taking good advice from people in this forum, I continue to try to eat as much as possible.

When they gave us a tour of the infusion area they had recliner chairs that looked out over the mountains and a few private rooms where one could lie in a bed. I don't know what the choices are, but would prefer to spend six hours constructively. (bought DVD's for the laptop, got reading material, then again I can always sign online and catch up on email)

From your experiences, I guess I'm asking how this time is spent and if I'm dreaming if I think I can get anything done while parked for six hours. Whether or not I'm going to be too out of it to care on Tuesdays.
