I was EXACTLY the same! My poor partner did EVERYTHING to try and help me. He did loads of research. & i just put on my stubborn head & said 'no - i dson't want it' or ' the doctors would have told me if that was anygood!' I thought what they said was gospel! What did Amir know?
Eventualy i got out of that mentality & thank goodness i did! I got so poorly & miserable, i dropped to 94lb and i f inally agreed that anything would be worth a go.
Unfortunately, it was nothing anyone said or did that changed my mind. I had to come to that point myself. & looking back i feel terrible that i threw back all the help my loved ones were trying to give me. For the doctors i was a model patient. For my family i was probably a nightmare!
Hopefuly he'll turn a corner soon.
All the best,

Undifferentiated Nasopharyngeal Ca. T3N1M0 stage: IIb. diagnosed: June 2006. 6cycles of high dose chemo (Cisplatin & 5FU). 6 & half weeks (33sessions) radical R/T