I am just passing this phase. My wife was very scared esterday beacuse i wsa so "out of it".

My hospice nurse and dr had me wtite down every med & food ( a timie line on when and what and where. Then hwe readjustredecall my pain meds. Now he has my pain under completecontrole and I have lpenty of break-thru meds if nedded.
Hospice will "run" meds to me if I need them The antianiexty meds keep my head focues correctrly and :there is NO PAIN":!

I accually feel GOOD. even thought I know what is happening. This is what hopsivce is for. So that you go out with no pain and anquish.

I too feared about running out of my medicinse. Tehy were delivereed b4 the dr laft the house with assurencnce that they had enougth to float thec"Queen Marry" if needed. This brought me great releif to me and even more to my wife.

I am in controll of mymedss, not my dr.

My wifes main job is that I get my 5 pillds every 12 hours on the dot and if, and i do say if it hurts, it is my job to take my break thru Iimmedeiatly as I feel the pain and that I am at a level 3 at the max for mote than a half hour.
This way "I am im controll 24-7 and I have no fear. Drugs are good when used for medical help. Not when they are being abused for a cheap escape from the reallities of life.

DX 3-21-07 L tongue,SCC Stage IV (T3N2MO) TX Slash/Burn/Poison Method.
***Rapid Aggressive Recurrence 8-4-07 with same DX/TX. Life does not cease to be funny when people die any more than it ceases to be serious when people laugh. Never Give Up! ****UPDATE**** Our dear friend Petey passed away, RIP 9-2-07