Hi Paul,

Now that's a great story and a fabulous birthday present. I agree with you about not knowing how much we are affected by stress until it's removed. It's hard to be pulled in multiple directions, and try to figure out where to focus your energy. There's a reason that trip was cancelled, you are meant to be right where you are.

Today is my Dad's birthday, he's been dead for 13 years but I still think of him often. Your story proves that the people we love are always with us helping us when we need them most.

Happy Birthday,
Regards JoAnne

JoAnne - Caregiver to husband, cancer rt. tonsil, mets to soft palate, BOT, 7 lymph nodes - T3N2BM0, stage 4. Robotic assisted surgery, radical neck dissection 2/06; 30 IMTX treatments and 4 cycles of cisplatin completed June 06.