Hi Peter,

Please be very careful at making this type of decision. My mom was already in extremely frail condition when she was diagnosed with her T4 cancer.

Prior to the cancer diagnosis, my mom had several problems including: a herniated disk, arthritis throughout her body, protruding hernia (operation didn't work because her thin skin failed to hold the inserted netting). She just went through a carotid artery operation two months before her cancer diagnosis. In addition, she was diagnosed with the early stages of emphysema 2 years ago (50+ years smoker). When she had her operation in Jan of last year, the testing showed two unknown masses on her left lung. Finally, my mom has very little body fat (or muscle for that matter)... Her body was in no shape to endure the procedures. Even if she made it through them, she most likely would need 24X7 care for the duration of her life.

She made this decision based on the following:

1) The doctors told her (including her own daughter) that the cancer would not be cured with the procedures (radiation, surgery etc).
2) Once she started down the proactive road, she would no longer be able to live on her own. Having to give up her independence was paramount to her decision.

There are several folks here on this board that have beaten this horrible disease. Before making the same decision as my mom, you need to communicate with them and understand that you can beat this SOB... That being said, if you choose to go my mom's route, I will be there for you along the way. But, keep in mind I received NO RESPONSES from people that chose to do nothing. That should tell you something... Know that if you choose to do nothing this will kill you. If you fight it with the procedures, you have the chance to post here years down the road that you beat this bastard disease.


P.S. Mom is continuing her battle. Same status as a few weeks ago.