Sweety, right now it's about getting through your treatment. Don't drive yourself crazy trying to put a brave face on what you're going through. Whether you complain or not, just making it to your treatments everytime is testament enough of your bravery. If you need to cry, then cry. It's not aways a good thing to hold all that stuff in. Let it out when you need to. Lean on your support team when you need to. It's all about you until you get through treatment and heal up. Until then, try to stop worrying and concentrate on getting through your treatment. It'll be over soon enough, ok? Hang in there!


Base of Tongue SCC. Stage IV, T1N2bM0. Diagnosed 25 July 2003.
Treated with 6 weeks induction chemo -- Taxol & Carboplatin once a week followed with 30 fractions IMRT, 10 fields per fraction over 6 more weeks. Recurrence October 2005.