The spots are on the bone itself. Unfortunately, we have no control over what doctor or the type of doctor he gets to see. This is the situation. My husband is in prison. Honestly, my husband should not be there. We had the unfortunate experience of learning the bad side of being in a crooked county and could not afford to hire an attorney that was atleast 200 miles away to insure a fair hearing. (The sheriff in the county was recently caught by out of state police dealing drugs and many of the same officers who accused my husband, almost killed another man shortly after the incident with my husband, and all are known for being crooked, violent cops) But long story short, we have no choice on the treatment he gets, or how soon things will even start. Luckily he is scheduled for a parole hearing next august, but if this is cancer, then things need to be started before then to have a better chance of a good outcome. It has been almost 3 years since he was taken from our family, and we were happy that we had less then a year left to wait till he should be getting out. Then get this information and are helpless to do anything or to take the right action because of where he is at. It has been really hard on my husband because he hates that I am having to take care of our family by myself, and then this news. All I know is that the more information I have, the more likely I will be able to either make them do what they need to do to get him the best treatment, or for them to release him early for medical so I can take him to get the best treatment. Right now we are playing a waiting game with the black spots and a system who really doesn't care about the people inside of it. I know it is causing more stress for both me and my husband, but I am not sure what to do.
