Antibiotics and steriods for my tonsils don't seem to be helping any of my one-sided symptoms. I have re-discovered a lump under my soft palate not near the midline, but rather on the same side as all my other symptoms. I have another ent appointment scheduled for next week. This time I'm demanding a biopsy. I can't deal with this stress. This lump on the soft palate was palp'd by a dentist months ago and he wasn't concerned but something in my gut is telling me that this is the monster. I've researched alot and nothing else hard and fixed should be there (tori seem to be found exclusively on the midline). I should have pointed this out to the ENT. I think I'm soon going to know what the price of being a chemical abuser for over a decade is. The sad thing is, everyone that loves me is going to have to pay it.
