Hi Jeff

Like so many others have said sorry you had to find this site. But it will be great help for you as you go though this. I am the caregiver for Marvin and we felt the same as you when we found out. Once you get over the shock and come to grips with everything you will be ready to get going on the treatments. There is alot of stuff going to take place rather quickly(atleast it was for us). After the initially finding out we went for 2nd opinion at IU Cancer Center. They schedule us for pet scan & biospy that day, we also saw the chemo doc and rad doc same day. We were in a whrilwind of things. Then once those were done it was about a week before we found out what type of treatment and how long. While we were waiting they scheduled Marvin to get a port put in(that was a good thing for him)They always have trouble finding veins on him. The port has worked great. Then 1 week later they put in his peg(that to was a lifesaver). We are heading to the end of our treatments of rad he has had 26 of 34 as of today. Plus chemo once a week. As Vicki said you will get though this. It just seems like alot at first. Just make sure you keep doctors informed as to your pain level so they can help you. Also be willing to take help when it comes your way from others. This was kinda hard for us at first. But we are thankful to have family and friends that pray for us daily. Take care. We will be praying for you as you prepare to take this on.

CG for Marvin.